As global society collapses…. @Peta_de_Aztlan

As global society collapses more people will seek vain forms of escapism and be gullible to Technology connects us.

As global society collapses more people will go insane, lose their basic bearings and start turning on each other out of fear.

As global society collapses more people will just be out to save themselves and their immediate family. Food riots will be common.

As global society collapses more will head for the hills and mountains to escape the hungry urban hordes in the inner cities.

As global society collapses more will seek false escape valves via sex, music and drugs. Street gangs will rule the streets.

As global society collapses more will seek to learn magic and the dark arts to empower themselves. Bible reading will be rare.

As global society collapses the class chasm between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ will become more raw and ruthless.

As global society collapses the armed forces will flex their muscles from time to time to assert the primacy of the reigning regime.

As global society collapses negative feedback loops in the environment long ignored will push us more towards the edge of extinction.

As global society collapses clean water, fresh fruits and vegetables will be seen as luxuries. Immune systems will break down.

As global society collapses the true predatory nature of the human animal will become more apparent. Many will ‘disappear’.

As global society collapses the  will become more curtailed, censored and controlled by corporate fascism.

As global society collapses there will be more wars and rumors of war. Dark shadows of the #psyche will come out into the light.

As global society collapses traditional support systems will collapse and basic infrastructure, sewage etc., will break down.

As global society collapses the urban inner cities will be hardest hit. People will fight over turf, garbage bins and dumpsters,

As global society collapses more folks will turn to the opiate of religion and kill each other over who has the true God.

As global society collapses more of us will turn to the serenity of meditation and get serious about spiritual practices.

As global society collapses more folks will burn paper and books in alleys to keep warm on cold winter nights. Gloves will be luxuries.

As global society collapses our natural survival impulses and defense mechanisms will kick in. Martial arts will be key,

As global society collapses friends will turn into enemies and enemies will become friends. New real alliances will be formed.

As global society collapses we will know and understand the mass psyche better and appreciate our actual interdependency,

As global society collapses we will see and value all the stuff, relations and interactions we took for granted before.

As global society collapses the poor will get poorer and the rich will get richer. Class struggles and classes at war will intensify.
“And you will know the truth, and that very truth will make you free.” ~ John 8:32
▶ Connect @Peta_de_Aztlan

Learn the Art of War via @Peta_de_Aztlan

First Posted  6/7/2014
“Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory:
1 He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.
2 He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.
3 He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.
4 He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.
5 He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Sun Tzu’s Art of War:

The Art of War Sun Tsu Full Documentary. (Educational):  ~Uploaded Dec 9, 2011
▶ A Brief History of GI Resistance During The Vietnam War:   ~Pub June 6, 2014
Why America Lost the Vietnam War (Full Documentary):  ~Pub June 16, 2013
  I am first and foremost a Humame Being inside, not stuck on any form of nationalism. Born in the U.S.A.

Total totalitarianism is impossible @Peta_de_Aztlan

Posted 4/15/2014

In a way just typing my thoughts has therapy value. Sometimes I bounce back and forth between mania and despair. Sometimes I feel like I am in a huge madhouse. The lights are on but no one seems to be safe at home. Those brave souls who dare to share the truth as Whistleblowers are attacked and persecuted while those in uniform who openly lie before the U.S. Congress are left unharmed. Are we in an upside down world when it comes to our adherence to fundamental humane principles and the U.S. Constitution?

We should not be pathetic and paranoid under Amerikan fascism. Yes, the U.S. Federal Government has become an outlaw rogue state. Yes, chances are if you have spoken out against social injustice and in support of Occupy Wall Street you have been or you still are under special surveillance. Yes. the U.S.A.  has the legal right to snatch you off the streets and make you mysteriously disappear never to be heard from again. We are confronted with the most advanced fascist state in all of known human history. We are up against Master Control Freaks who wish they could control every thought you think and every breath you take.

No matter how bad it all gets in times to come remember the Cause of Liberty and Justice is right. We have already won the core moral and ethnical battle. Total surveillance is impossible. Total totalitarianism is impossible. There are a lot of insane psychopaths roaming around in Amerika, including in the White House cabal. Who in the hell are your neighbors? At any given time one confused clown with a gun can take our lives or ruin our day. We are getting use to social mayhem and madness as a daily occurence. We are governed by mad monsters who are functional control freaks!

We need to promote basic spiritual health in this country. As humane beings, we need to have love, compassion and understanding for each other, not just in words but shown our inner values outwardly in our deeds. We need to promote the merits of spiritual liberation, spiritual wellness and soundness of being. Mental illness is an illusion for the billions in profits for Big Pharma. This social sickness is not just a figment of our minds hatched out of our imagination. As a country, we need to heal our inner souls. Our collective psyche as one people.

A huge threat to our so-called national security is the fascist police military state. We need to serve the basic survival needs of the people to ensure real social security, not applaud military occupation by official or unofficial mercenaries! Every day and night more and more people are getting more and more sick and tired of how this society is going downhill.

We are living under a rogue U.S. Regime that still perpetuates the myth of there being a real functional democracy inside the United States. For the zillioneth time, I say we are already living under a mature, scientific and sophisticated fascism inside the United States. Even worse the majority of the U.S. general population feels hopeless and powerless to do anything about it, so they do nothing to resist the Evil Empire.

Thank God we still have Internet Power to express ourselves online, though this power is always in jeopardy under the present fascist state. Maybe the Empire builders know that our expressions online serves as pressure release valves for our collective anger, desperation and frustration.

There are all kind of conspiracy theories about the Boston Marathon and other tragic incidents. We need to aware of any #FalseFlag Operation. For sure we need to take the time to do Fact Checks and not just swallow all the crap we are exposed to online. There is a lot that has already happened that the Amerikan public knows nothing about or simply believes because of the fascist propaganda lies we are told by the U.S. Regime and the corporate media. #911 #JFK

For the zillioneth time, we must exhaust all legal, peaceful and tangible tactics  we can utilize to combat the evils of these terrible times. To live we must fight back. We must have the courage of principle to combat evil wherever it is and whenever it pops up. In line with this thinking we must also combat our own character defects and personal shortcomings. We cannot be naive and just blame all our woes and worries on asinine authorities. We ourselves must take direct responsibility to determine our own destiny in the spirit of liberty and become masters of our own fate!

Register to Vote! Help your neighbors, esp. if they are hungry. Get involved in positive volunteer work. Stay straight. Be thrifty. Arm yourselves with the truth. Share what extras you have with others in real need. Love one another. Give a damn!

Namaste!@Peta_de_Aztlan +Peter S. López
Sacramento, Calfornia, United Stasis of Amerika
▶ The Boston Marathon Bombing Shows Why Surveillance State Doesn’t Work via @TheRealNews: ~Pub Apr 15, 2014


Who I Am via Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan

Who I Am via Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan:  
Update: Friday~ December 5, 2014
I AM First and Foremost a humane being living upon Mother Earth, before any labels of sex, race, nation, ethnic group, tribe, clan or other categories.

We should be leery of throwing certain labels on ourselves for self-identity, especially psychiatric labels, those that divide us from others and those that hide our true genuine nature.

We are ultimately complex living beings, not doings. An authentic humane being has tender care, general concern and loving compassion for all living beings.

In the overall context of connected reality today, we should strive for unity as one loving Family of Humanity. However, we should not fool ourselves. We are not now all truly one people. There are many divisions amongst us whose roots we need to understand for us to ever unify as one people of Mother Earth.

Present-day global society is class society caught up in the chaos of class struggles, class wars and cleavaged between two main economic classes: the 99+% of the ‘have-nots’ and the -1% of the ‘haves’. The ancient war between the forces of good and the forces of evil continues on today. Indeed, the potential for good and evil is in all of us. We must make our own conscious decisions as to where we stand in relation to the world. Each of us is a unique creature in our own way. We can describe ourselves in different ways.

I can relate to different self-identity labels about Who I Am, yet I am not stuck on any one of them. I also consider myself a Chicano de Aztlán. Change is a constant flux. I am not the same man now I was when I woke up at the crack of dawn nor will I be the same man later on when I go to sleep tonight.

Words are agreed upon symbols and sounds for our communicating with each other. Words can mean so much more than the mortal mind can fully explain or the naked eye can ever behold. Sometimes we have to feel our way with the inner heart from the known to the unknown without fear. We live within the vast infinite cosmos composed of countless galaxies beyond our vision. We are stationed near the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy. Maybe others who live on distant galaxies see ours and call it by another name.

As a conscious creature of the Creator, I believe in the Prime Creator of the Cosmos  My primary intention in being here now is to strive to live in a conscious state of cosmic consciousness in communion with connected reality, help others as I can along the way and attempt to leave this Earthly existence a better place than when I first came into this world.

My creative work in life is a double-helix that spirals around fighting for Global Liberation in the outer world and at the same time seeking greater inner Spiritual Liberation within my own beingness. I strive to humbly help raise mass consciousness; as I work on deepening my own personal spiritual consciousness. In fact, working on my personal enlightenment is one of my main priorities in life.

Choose for yourself as to whether you are a believer in the Creator, commonly called God, or not. It is up to you, no one else. Live your own life inside your life. Your physical body hosts and belongs to your inner spirit, take care of it well. You only have one life to live in each lifetime. You have a divinely ordained free will. Use your own free will with conscious liberty, peace of mind and a humane conscientiousness.

Do not allow your authentic self to be bent, distorted or warped by anyone else, especially those in positions of power and authority. Be true to your self. Know yourself and be who you are, not want someone else wants you to be. Enrich your own beingness for your own inner joy, personal happiness and spiritual serenity. Do not be foolish and make bad karma for yourself. Do not harm anyone else if you can avoid it. Be at peace with others as much as you can. We are here to love, help and understand one another!
++++ ++++
~ Background ~
I was born one rainy stormy night on November 15, 1951 in Sacramento, California. My personal ancestry on my Dad’s side goes back to Geronimo aka Goyathlay, the Chiricahua Apache Warrior Chief. I also have a great-grandfather a few generations back who was a Yaqui Chief of a tribe never conquered by the Spaniards in Sonora, Mexico. I do not know his name. So much of our old history has been destroyed by the Spanish Conquistadors.

My blood parents are named Pete Macias Lopez and Ella Perez Lopez. I love them both so much. My Dad aka Pops now lives in West Sacramento. My dear Mom passed over to the other side in 1991. I have one older sister named Linda Carol and two younger brothers named Steven Lopez, who ia mentally retarded as a result of getting TB Meningitis as a child. Robert S. Lopez, my beloved ‘baby brother’ sadly died April 8, 2013, due to bad health decisions.

I started Kindergarten at Washington Elementary School and was there up to high 3rd grade, when we moved across town by Southside Park. I went to William Land Elementary School up to 6th Grade; the old Lincoln Jr. High School for three years; then Sacramento Senior High School from where I barely graduated in June of 1969. A lot of other political activities were going on in my life at the time.

I got involved in the Movement or ‘Movimiento’ in the late 60s. For a bit, I went to Sacramento State College, but quit to go to work after I got married to Pauline Belen Gonzalez. Her and I created one son together named Camilo Esteban Lopez who was born on my birthday ~ November 15th of 1971. Her and I later divorced. I hope to reunite with my son between here and death. Sometime after his Mom and I split up I was no longer allowed to see him for no good reason despite early promises. She ended up with my ex-best friend from childhood Bicton Gee. I was OK with that and happy for the both of them. Her and I just drifted away from each other.

Life for me has been a long and winding road, with side detours along the way. Even since my teenage years I have been interested in the plight of oppressed people, progressive causes and political movements. I was an early volunteer with Friends of the Farmworkers in support of the United Farmworkers Union, was in the Brown Berets here in Sacra for a few years, the Chicano student organization called MECHA at Sac State and have been involved in numerous social groups, movements and political organizations over the years.

Employment-wise, I have had many jobs. A few of them were really good ones. Since my early teens I drank alcohol and it got increasingly worse over the years. My alcoholism finally caught up with me. I became a drunk, then a dope fiend for almost two years in the mid-90’s. I openly admit I became a low-life dope dealer lost in the darkness of sin out in the lowlands of Del Paso Heights. Predictably, I eventually found myself wandering in the streets without a home.

With the clarity of hindsight, I see my past indulgences in chemical addictions retarded my life progress, natural development and spiritual growth. Alas, I am still alive and learning! With no immediate blood family willing to give me shelter, I went into the local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter for homeless people where the roots of my recovery are. Becoming homeless turned out to be the best worst thing that ever happened to me. I sobered up, got involved with a Christian recovery group called CASA and then went to Mather Community Campus (MCC) around 2001 to 2002. MCC is a transitional housing program for homeless people in the Rancho Cordova area.

While I was at MCC I grew up a lot in my spiritual growth and developed my computer skills online. I mainly went there to maintain my sobriety as I already had good job skills. While I was at MCC I fell in lovely lust and got married briefly to one Sheila Jarvis for dumb reasons. I am still technically married. I do not even consider our marriage as a real marriage now. Long story short, I eventually became a Case Manager and Counselor at the local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter from October 2006 to September of 2010. Due to Sacra County Cutbacks in funding and not being a kiss ass, I was  laid off by the Director Elizabeth Hudson.
Present Time ~
I am now on SSI Disability behind a Bipolar Diagnosis. I am OK with that for now. Labels are labels. I admit to having a few negative tendencies, such as, OCD and ADHD. I manage them as I do life ~ with consciousness, prayer and meditation, thus, they do not become all out disorders. I am glad to be out of the wage-slave market. It affords me the freedom, time and survival income I need to work on more important spiritual matters. I hope to get something published between here and death to share with others, get off SSI, earn a decent income and travel around. Plus, keep in mind that I am a recovered dope fiend and drunk.

In the past, I have helped coordinate CASA 12-Steps Meetings on Sundays at 7 PM at the local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter at 1200 North ‘B’ Street, Sacramento, California. I had been doing open meetings there for over 10 years. It is a progressive Christian recovery group, though I am not stuck on any one religion or denomination. It’s a little complicated. I make a point of staying away from any kind of fanaticism or cultism.

I am now a senior resident at the low-income Shasta Hotel in Downtown Sacramento, in the heart of the city. I am in a cluttered little room I refer to as my underground bunker. It suits me for now, but someday I want a room of my own with a good natural view, not the prison-like courtyard I see now. Nonetheless, I appreciate my blessings with an attitude of gratitude. I am not anonymous hiding. We can be as sick as our secrets.

My life has had a lot of twists and turns, ups and downs, ins and outs. This is just a brief sketch. As of this typing, I am now 63-Earth years of age. At times I feel so ancient and wise, at other times I can be so childish and ignorant. Life goes on within us and surely life goes on without us.

I feel there are many more awesome adventures and enlightening experiences to come ahead for me. I hope the best is yet to come for me in this lifetime. I have tried to be of help to others and not just take up space. I am single and on my own now. I am open to being involved in a committed intimate relationship with a beautiful woman one of these days, but I am not looking for one. I have had a weakness for beautiful women over the years from time to time. I am not sure I can be forever faithful sexually to any one woman now. I love women, their brains are different. Women are the better half of humanity. When the love is ready the lover appears.

Over the years I have learned better than ever who I really am in my own being and what I want to do with my life from here on out. I am a Truth Warrior who travels on a path with heart. I strive to be Honest, Open and Willing in all my relations: that is HOW my Spiritual Liberation Program works. As Don Juan said:

“Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path. The trouble is nobody asks the question; and when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart, the path is ready to kill him. At that point very few men can stop to deliberate, and leave the path. A path without a heart is never enjoyable. You have to work hard even to take it. On the other hand, a path with heart is easy; it does not make you work at liking it.”

I am a humble helper here to help an endangered species called humankind achieve true Spiritual Liberation from unnecessary pain, misery and suffering. I continue to work on my own spiritual evolution. At the same time, I am a practical realist, not a naive idealist. I aim to help topple the Evil Empire and help institute justice in the world. Humanity is an endangered species already on the edge of extinction!
A relevant revolution on a global scale would be a global leap forward for the evolution of humankind. We need to unite together on a common humane rights agenda and destroy the Evil Empire by any and all means necessary! I prefer a Peaceful Revolution and to exhaust all peaceful methods of struggle, but if need be I will wage a war to the knife and take it to the graveyard!

“Let me be me: free to create, free to love, free to work and free to help others! ”Let me be free to be a man, free to travel, free to stop, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself – and I will obey every law or submit to the penalty.” ~Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce.

Each of us must seek and find our own truth. When our truth merges together with others there can be agreement, when we differ with each other we can agree to disagree, yet still respect each other in our common humanity.

Let us love one another, shine the light of love and speak the truth in all our ways. Follow the truth wherever it leads without fear. Do not be swayed by the passing winds of dogmatic doctrines held by any fools or fiends. Be not be easily impressed by fancy words spouted by fast talkers. Seek no guru, have no mortal master. Be your own Spiritual Leader. When the student is ready the teacher appears.

Be master of your own life. Determine your own destiny. Call no man boss. My only boss is the Prime Creator, as I am inspired by the Holy Ghost. Seek the refinement of simplicity. Simplify the complex, do not complicate the simple. Love the Creator of the Cosmos, stay straight and help others make it through this modern wicked wilderness called civilization. Treasure your life. It is precious, sacred and yours to live! Discover your own spiritual truth on the Spiritual Journey of life. See that we are ultimately Spiritual Beings!

Namaste! Peter S. Lopez aka @Peta_de_Aztlan

Note: I will refine and update this central blog post from time to time. I share who I am and where I am coming from in my personal life. Sharing is caring. Let us care about all of suffering humanity. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan

On Participation In U.S. Electoral Politics via @Peta_de_Aztlan

We are all global citizens of the world, but this article is geared towards U.S. citizens and whoever else happens to stumble upon this spot.

We must overcome any denial of the truth and admit that there is now no true democracy inside the U.S.A.  In terms of a functional definition, democracy means ‘rule of the people’, though there are different forms of democracy. 


A legitimate democracy must be an inclusive participatory democracy that the masses of the people can participate in as a key component of their lives on a daily basis. It should be more than a superficial representative democracy as we have now. It should be obvious to us that so-called representative democracy does not work for us, especially when we have a U.S. Congress mainly composed of millionaires who have been bought off or co-opted by money or capital in its various forms. The whole electoral process in the U.S. is corrupt and rotten to the core as it is now. The Electoral Collage is not direct democracy. There is much that is in need of a few critical reforms for electoral politics to be relevant to the American masses.
▶ Majority of Congress Now Millionaires: 
~Pub  Jan 17, 2014 via @theliptv
In general, politics remains war without bloodshed and war remains politics with bloodshed. Thus, politics and war are intricately interconnected.

In order to help create control over our lives many of us engage in different forms of politics: local community grass-roots politics; online politics on various websites via the Internet; and electoral politics by engaging in official political campaigns for public office and ballot propositions. There are many other forms of politics that influence the ideas, feelings and opinions of the general population. Even speaking out loud and spouting a personal opinion in a coffee shop can be political. The clothes and buttons you wear can be considered political. Where is the dividing line? Is there a dividing line in connected reality? Are not all realities interconnected?

An authentic democracy must include our own direct personal participation in electoral politics and processes on local, state and federal levels, not just on Election Day but on a daily basis. We must keep elected officials on their toes and accountable to those who elected them. We must stay awake!

If we are ever to achieve a democracy defined as ‘majority rule’ we will need to be involved in electoral-democratic processes as much as possible from wherever we are in our own personal lives. Remember what is democracy for the majority could be tyranny for the minority. Exercising our right to vote helps to level the playing field. Electoral politics is only one major tactic among others tactics.

If we are eligible to vote we should be registered to vote and help others register to vote. We need to allow all ex-felons and prisoners the right to vote as a humane right. Be aware of current events, communicate to people in your own local community about these critical issues and be a transmitter for communal mass education. Each of us can be a communicator.

We must do a lot more than merely bitch, whine and complain in the Tower of Babel on the Internet. We must ‘walk the talk’ in our daily lives wherever we are, including in the living rooms of our own homes and out in our local community. We need to be active participants in life, not merely enslaved spectators. Think of future generations to come! Show proof of life!

If democracy is to be ‘for real’ it must be a lively participatory democracy with an active citizenry, not dumbed down addicted consumers. Democracy is always in jeopardy of being destroyed by dark evil forces in the world who hate us to exercise our humane rights. Fascism does not want to help bring about creative change. Fascism does not want us to share our ideas and ideals. Fascism does not want us to openly express ourselves without fear and exercise our communication skills. We can help safeguard any hope for a true legitimate democracy by exercising our basic humane rights, including our right to vote!

We are now existing under a mature brand of authoritarian fascism inside the United States. This has become more obvious with the revelations that came from Señor Edward Snowden about the #NSA mass surveillance that has been going on for a long time. Truthtellers are already being hunted down, caged without justice and persecuted by the forces of repression. Nonetheless, we need to honestly exhaust peaceful methods of protest, of struggle and resistance to fascist state repression. Have courage and fight back!

Remember that repression sooner or later builds up resistance from the people and further repression creates further resistance. The whole situation growing in upward spirals of resistance, repression, resistance. Complete repression is impossible. The totality of  complete totalitarianism is the dream of tyrants but absolute totality is impossible. The people will sooner or later find one way or another to offer resistance to repression. A flower can grow through the cracks of a concrete sidewalk.

Sadly, many so-called progressive activists are turned off by electoral politics and politics in general. This is a closed-minded reactionary attitude. This attitude was not helped by the apathy of #OWS towards electoral politics, especially for blind #OWS supporters who barely got their toes wet behind their involvement in progressive aka radical politics during the heyday of #OWS. So much for the leaderless movement idea. We need bold vanguard leadership, those who are not afraid to break from the herd and take the lead, even if they basically function as local community coordinators.

Remember! Only the masses of the people can create any relevant revolution, not mere vanguard elements alone. U.S. citizens can understand and relate to regular electoral politics, especially when they do their civic duty and exercise their right to vote. Most folks are not caught up in intricate ideologies or obscure philosophies. The Left Wing Movement is lame and divorced from the basic concerns of the people.

Now there is a huge digital disconnection between comrades who are online with regular Internet access and those who are not so blessed. Let us not confuse our individual understanding with universal truth. We must put a computer with Internet access in every home and help others to be computer literate. I suggest you not surround yourself with only those who agree with you, but seek different opinions. Strive to be well-rounded. Diversify.

In summary, as global U.S. citizens we should participate in electoral politics, no matter what political party we happen to belong to now. For a long time I was a Democrat, then I quit after Führer Obama escalated the Afghanisnam War. I voted for Sister Jill Stein for President the last presidential election. Thus, I am now an independent voter.

It is up to you in your conscience. It is your freedom of choice. I am merely expressing my spin on stuff for you to accept, reject or ignore. It is your life and your future.

Additional Links to check out:

▶ Running For Congress with Marianne Williamson @marwilliamson:
~Pub Jan 19, 2014 via @scstone5

▶ Marianne Williamson @marwilliamson The Politics Of Change on Vimeo
▶ Marianne Williamson Announces Candidacy for Congressional Seat:  via @marwilliamson  ~Pub Nov 19, 2013
#Latinos set to surpass whites in California in March
via @SFGate
#Green Party’s gubernatorial candidate Luis Rodriguez @luisjrodriguez focuses on poverty
▶ What Would You Do If You Had Political Power? – Gar Alperovitz (5/5):
~Pub Jan 27, 2014 via @therealnews
▶ Legalize #Democracy | Full Documentary:   ~Pub Jan 27, 2014
~via @dennistrainorjr

Venceremos! We Will Win!
Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California, U.S.A.

On Being A Radical! via @Peta_de_Aztlan


Full Definition of RADICAL
1 : of, relating to, or proceeding from a root: as
a (1) : of or growing from the root of a plant (2) : growing from the base of a stem, from a rootlike stem, or from a stem that does not rise above the ground
b : of, relating to, or constituting a linguistic root
c : of or relating to a mathematical root
d : designed to remove the root of a disease or all diseased and potentially diseased tissue
2 : of or relating to the origin : fundamental
3 a : very different from the usual or traditional : extreme
b : favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions
c : associated with political views, practices, and policies of extreme change
d : advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs 4 slang : excellent, cool
— rad·i·cal·ness noun

Origin of RADICAL
Middle English, from Late Latin radicalis, from Latin radic-, radix root —
First Known Use: 14th century
Labels being labels cannot fully describe the contents behind them, especially political labels for folks. Labels often divide people from each other when we want to use words to help unite people, without ignoring basic differences.

I myself am a straight up hard-core liberated radical in a reactionary world. I advocate and support revolution as a basic solution for our social problems, not mere surface reforms. The big difference between radicals and liberals is that a true radical will understand the urgent need for revolution, but a mere liberal is not willing to go all the way. I respect liberals, especially those who are open-minded and willing to consider the opinions of radicals. A liberal will support certain social reforms in society but will not support any real substantial change such as a fundamental revolution in power relationships or property relations in society between the -1% vs. the +99% or the ‘haves’ vs. the ‘have-nots’.

We still live in a class society whose two main classes are the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’. These two main classes are classes at constant war with each other because they have conflicting social-economic interests. The existence of one opposes the existence of the other. Despite any New Age distraction we are not all one people, though we are one human family, yet it is a family with great divisions among it that threaten its continued existence as a species. In fact, the human family is an endangered species facing extinction.

 We need to stick to the basics of survival for us to get down to the radical roots of what needs to be done in our general situation in terms of our working together in global solidarity, dismantling the Empire and fighting for an authentic global democracy based upon our basic humane rights. All along the way we must keep in mind our basic survival needs as human beings: good food, proper clothing, decent shelter, medical care and quality education.

Many activists forget about the basic survival needs of the people in their understanding of politics in general. Many poor people cannot afford to have a computer at home with Internet access, thus, online activists tend to think the general population is more aware of what’s going on than they actually are. Thus, we should not confuse our individual consciousness with the present mass consciousness of the people.

There is a great digital-computer disconnect in the world and this is more obvious in so-called Third World countries. The truth is there is only one world. Many oppressed poor communities in the United States exist now in Third World-like living conditions. Google the facts and figures for yourself. Those of us in industrialized countries tend to forget that our relative wealth is the result of the centuries-old gross exploitation of the so-called Third World of Latin America, Africa, Asia and other undeveloped countries.

Many of us want to see a strong #Radical Movement in the U.S.A., but it will take a long hard time to bring one into being here. In general, we are dealing with a passive apathetic population in the U.S.A. that is trying to stay alive, not rock a sinking ship and lack faith in their own innate capacity to bring about fundamental change in this society. Many know that no matter how bad life can be in the U.S.A. we are better off than the hungry homeless masses in other foreign countries.

We here in the U.S.A. cannot do it alone with a divided Left-wing sectarian movement such as we have now that is divorced from the larger Global Liberation Matrix. We use the term ‘movement’ too loosely when our situation is more of diverse pockets of activists who are separated and scattered out around the country without a strong United Front working together in harmony as a coordinated movement. Get real!

We will have to link up with all authentic radicals in the world who see the need for basic reforms, yet know that surface reforms are not enough. The people of the world require Global Liberation, not the band-aids of reform as we bleed to death. Once again, we need to exhaust legal peaceful methods of resistance, relate to the people’s present level of mass consciousness and understand what protracted war is today. We must wage class-based struggles that the masses can easily understand, such as in the arena of electoral politics, before we can advance to sterner methods of struggle. This is why it is called a ‘struggle’. It is not easy and we should not lie to people about the real hardships we face in order to bring about any kind of relevant revolution.

It is the people themselves who must learn from their own direct experiences the practical necessity and logical possibility of revolution. It is the role of leadership to help guide the people, but only the awakened masses of people can make the revolution. At most we are just helpers.

We can discuss and debate our ideology (a system of ideas and ideals) until doomsday. I myself envision an intercommunal egalitarianism based upon democratic centralism on a global scale, in fact, a democratic globalism. Even democracy only on a local regional level can be democracy for the majority and tyranny for the minority.

We need to come together based upon a common humane rights agenda, settle any petty ideological differences and move forward in the Liberation process if we are ever to win final victory before possible extinction.

Liberation is a dynamic living process, not a fixed set of frozen conclusions. We must be flexible, do actual analyses of actual conditions, use creative imagination and have a bold vision for the future. For sure, we cannot advance onward if we are afraid of constructive criticism and fail to engage in creative self-criticism.

Be unafraid. Lose your fear. Get for real and get radical. Do not be naive. We are trying to topple the greatest strongest Empire in human history. In a valid revolution one wins or one dies, which beats losing and dying.

Those of us who struggle to topple the Evil Empire with its vast array of armies, spies and technology are up against the Beast. We will have to take the bull by the horns and ride it until its neck breaks!

Power to the Truth!
Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California, United States of Amerika


Stay Awake in the Winter of 2014 via @Peta_de_Aztlan


Where are we at today? ~

The past year of 2013 went by pretty quick for me one day at a time, sometimes one moment at a time. Now we are in the year 2014, an even number. A lot happened in the world this past year, yet a lot has not happened as I had hoped in early 2013. I can have a beautiful vivid and colorful dream when I sleep at night, then I awaken into the ugly nightmare reality as it is now in #Nazi #Amerika. I can only speak for myself, yet I care about the well-being of others. Sharing is caring. So I dare to share because I care.

Those of us who are still awake cannot afford to go back to sleep. We cannot pretend to not know what bitter experience has taught us without leaving ourselves open to errors in judgment. Many are asleep in the sense of not being fully awake to what is going on in the world. Many are apathetic and unawakened. It is hard to wake people up. We can get down, depressed and discouraged about the sleepy herd around us. When we get discouraged we must reach deep inside our souls and gather up our inner courage to carry the struggle onward in order to continue in our common quest for true liberation against all the tremendous odds against us in this wicked world!

The Liberation Movement inside the United States is still weak, ineffective and scattered out without:

~ a coherent general strategy and set of flexible tactics
~ aggressive vanguard leadership elements
~ a strong set of functional political organizations
~ a united front against authoritarian fascism

There are many global contradictions in the world that have left many people lost and confused about what is going on today. For example, many activists are still caught up in the Left-Wing vs. Right-Wing contradiction. The truth is in the Center of connected reality, neither exclusively Left nor Right. It is the same as supporting the Democratic Party and opposing the Republican Party. Both parties are controlled, directed and financed by the same foul fascist corporate state. Traditional electoral politics gives us the illusion of choice between two evil parties. Evil is evil. We need to connect, build up and work with alternative Third Parties with progressive platforms in the political arena, though it is not all about politics. Politics for us remains war without bloodshed. Think outside any box and connect the dots to see the Big Picture.

As a general approach to Liberation we need to consciously exhaust all legal peaceful methods of struggle and resistance. On the one hand, we must avoid the pitfalls of Left-wing adventurism and on other hand we must avoid Right-wing opportunism. Wise vanguard leadership is key for us to advance and move forward and could make the difference between success or failure. Vanguard leadership is important because we could be endangering those who follow any form of leadership if they are led up blind alleys or dead ends.

Perhaps a better term instead of  ‘leader’ is ‘coordinator’. One who coordinates meetings, activities and plans of action. Each of us should develop our own leadership skills, every follower is a potential leader and even anyone in a leadership position should follow basic communal guidelines and shared principles. We should follow principles, not personalities. Nowadays we have much mis-leadership, much mass deceit and deception, especially from those in high positions of power.

Unfortunately many stay away from joining any political party, group or organization. Many do not want to adhere to strict discipline, follow basic orders or work in conformance with democratic centralism for the good of the majority. We remain distinct individuals yet have more power when we combine our forces together. We need to strike a balance between collective communal groups and individual self-responsibility. We either hang together as one unified force or we will surely hang separately. We do not know how long it will be before martial law is officially declared and all our aboveground online activities will have to drop down underground or even dig in deeper.

We are already an endangered species of life on a planet in peril. This cannot be over-exaggerated. Even if there was a miracle and we were to bring about a relevant revolution in the world there are still core existential factors in the ecology of Earth that will continue to endanger all of us and leave us at risk of extinction as the dominant species on Mother Earth.
▶ Guy McPherson @Guy_McPherson  #Earth #Extinction  2030:  ~Pub Nov 15, 2013
▶ John Michael Greer – The Long Descent:  ~1st Pub May 31, 2012
FYI: Number of nuclear reactors via @WorldNuclear

FYI: The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases via @grtvnews:

Global Liberation and Spiritual Liberation ~

Let us come together as one family to help bring about Global Liberation, as we also work on our own Spiritual Liberation. It is like a DNA double-helix of true being. Global Liberation is a long-term strategic goal with the ultimate aim being the ‘seizure of power’, not mere minor surface reforms. It cannot just happen on a local or regional level. It must occur on a global level. We can try to  play the game and go by the rules, but if our efforts come close to bringing about real drastic fundamental change the fascist forces who rule over us will simply change the rules. Look at the specifics of the #NDAA then study the U.S. Constitution! President Obama should be impeached!

We require the power to determine our own destiny in harmony with our basic survival interests and deepest dreams. Power is the dual capacity to correctly define the connected reality in the world and change it in a desired manner. Power is not simply who you can control,  connive and manipulate.

All connected realities are connected and interconnected at one level or one dimension or another. Thus, we must clearly comprehend connected reality as it is here now and seek clarity in our cosmic consciousness. We live in the context of the cosmos. We are all in this together.

Genuine knowledge comes from direct and/or indirect experience, especially what we have experienced in our personal lives on an existential level, but knowledge alone is not enough. We must test our knowledge in relation to connected reality to ascertain the validity of our knowledge. Wisdom is applied knowledge. We cannot merely report the news to inform others of our spin, we must also create the news in our own lives.

Now global power is in the hands of a fascist global empire, which has become the main enemy of humankind. We must know who are our true enemies and who are our natural allies. It comes down to a question of who has real power in the world. We know now that global power is not safely in the hands of the people. It is now in the hands of the rulers of the Empire. We require a total transformation of global power relationships between the 99+% of the ‘have-nots’ and the -1% of the ‘haves’. There is no other way around it.

On a personal level each of us should be busy working on our own higher self as a humane being in terms of personal self-improvement, getting rid of our core character defects and overcoming our personal shortcomings. Each of us can be a movement of one connected to the larger liberation matrix. This does not mean selfish individualism. It means being responsible and accountable for our own personal self, taking care of our private business and doing a daily personal inventory of our assets and liabilities. Our efforts are not simply a matter of external politics. Our energetic efforts must involve our own personal priorities and key decisions about what we want to do with our own lives to determine our own personal destiny. The politics of the people’s Liberation must be relevant to the individual being on an existential level.

Substantial Change ~

To bring about substantial change in the world is an arduous noble goal. I mean substantial change far beyond surface liberal reforms that leave an unjust Evil Empire still ‘in power and secure’.

What kind of substantial change do we want? What real change is actually possible in light of the complex set of psycho-social circumstances before us? How much are we committed to bringing about substantial change in the world and within ourselves? How far are we willing to go? What are we willing to sacrifice? What comforts are we willing to give up? What are we willing to attack and destroy without mercy? What are we willing to do to help create a new world where we can live our lives out in peace and harmony? Will we end up giving up in utter disgust, despair and depression?

There is no clear polished crystal ball we can mindlessly gaze at to show us the way. There is no one way for all of us. There are many pathways up the mountaintop. We must look into our own hearts, our own souls. Remember history is a general guide to action, not a set blueprint. We must be masters of our fate, captains of our own ships, commanders of our being.

Occupy Wall Street aka #OWS ~

From the #OWS Website at  ~  @OccupyWallSt
“We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.”

At the time, the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic used by #OWS was a good tactic as a way of capturing the attention of the masses and the media. A tactic is not a general strategy. A strategy must be a lot more than a snappy slogan about Global Revolution. #OWS did not keep up the momentum essential for the start-up of a new movement to sustain itself, it failed to provide a practical bold vision, failed to expand from its many Occupy locations into stable Liberation Bases from which to work on for on-going mass mobilization.

If you study the history of the Black Panther Party you will remember that towards the end of the BPP Huey P. Newton pulled the Panther members into Oakland to help build a solid Base of Operations, especially after the police attacks upon many BPP offices across the country. It was too much, too little, too late for it to survive as a cohesive organization and it dissolved in the end.

“… We were trying to build a political vehicle through which the people could express their revolutionary desires. We recognized that no party or organization can make the revolution, only the people can. All we could do was act as a guide to the people, because revolution is a process …”
~ Comrade Huey P. Newton

FYI: Black Panther Party – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Founded 1966 ~ Dissolved 1982) 

America has had a long history of rebellions which were repressed and have been largely forgotten in our standard school textbooks. Realism is at the core of revolutionary theory and praxis. We need to study the history of liberation movements, learn what we can from them and remember the price paid for these lessons was in blood, sweat and tears. We do not need to re-invent the wheel. It is not brain surgery. For all of its fuss and fanfare no people’s revolution resulted from the Arab Spring and there will be no Arab Winter.

The great changes that have taken place in the last decade have been in the realm of mass revolutionary consciousness, especially with the awesome communication powers of the Internet.

To be sure, #OWS was one of the biggest social movements to come around in the last years. It affected the whole world in different places to varying degrees. There are critical lessons we must learn from past experiences if we ever hope to build up a strong Liberation Matrix inside the United States.

11/10/2011 Reawakening The Radical Imagination: The Origins Of Occupy Wall Street #OWS via @mgsledge:

#OWS resonated with the suffering of the American people and many other suffering people around the world. The idea of such a progressive movement coming up by the core nerve center of Wall Street in New York City stimulated many to get involved and take direct personal action.

However, with the way #OWS was brought into being in scattered occupy encampments across the country with its open claim of being a leaderless movement it was bound to fade out. Eventually #OWS was targeted, repressed and suppressed by the Obama Regime. It had its time and cannot come back again the same.

9/16/2013  Two Years Later, What Happened to Occupy Wall Street? via @accuracy

Nevertheless, #OWS changed the global conversation about the built-in irreconcilable antagonistic class contradictions between the +99% of the ‘have-nots’ and the -1% of the ‘haves’. It made us more aware of the bankers and investors of Wall Street as key high-class criminals of the Evil Empire who are cruel class enemies of humankind. Indeed, #OWS made us more aware of our own potential power to change the world we live in. #OWS was what it was and its seeds have grown into other fruits in other fields of struggle.

For many young people #OWS was their first attempt at getting involved in any kind of social movement. For older movement veterans it was yet another movement similar to other movements that have come and gone in their lifetimes. There has been the old Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Peace Movement, the Women’s Movement, the Immigrant Rights Movement, the  Gay Liberation Movement, the #IdleNoMore Native Movement, and other positive social movements over the years. The demand for and respect of basic humane rights is the core common denominator of liberation movements.

There is no need to glamorize #OWS or for nostalgic sad sentiments. #OWS was like manna from Heaven. It woke up many of us out of our collective coma, though many have now fallen back to sleep. To be honest, #OWS had a few major flaws in its basic approach to revolution and politics in general that its leading activists and supporters failed to overcome.

Being in the brain of the beast within the U.S.A. is not the same as being in Tahrir Square in Egypt. Liberation struggles must be homegrown and spring up from native soil, not imported or implanted from afar. As far as I know the whole Occupy idea first came down from Canada! To boot, a lot of non-White peoples do not warm up to the idea of any kind of ‘occupation’ having suffered from different foreign occupations in the past.

#OWS perpetuated the insanity of being against politics in general, against politicians and against direct participation in electoral politics. Sounds like the apathetic general population in Amerika. #OWS failed to learn the lessons of the Tea Party in terms of running and supporting political candidates. Most of the American public had a positive opinion of #OWS and its condemnation of Wall Street Bankers, but did not come out in active support of #OWS in the millions. We need many millions of people to stand up and support the relevancy and practical necessity of revolution, not just mutual admiration groups. The struggle goes on within us and without us. It is not all over and done. The reverberations from #OWS will continue to echo as time goes by.
We need to remember our learning experiences, be keenly aware of where we are here now and move forward into the future free of fear with a Grand Strategy and set of applicable tactics in the context of the Liberation Matrix. Let there be no confusion. The ultimate aim of a Grand Strategy must be the seizure of state power and the transformation of power relationships between the two main classes: the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’.

Revolutions are made or manufactured by conscious vanguard elements, not by spontaneous uprisings. Sometimes critical events come close to our clever calculations and at other times drift further away into clouds of chaos and confusion. We must engage in constant analyses of constantly changing conditions; factual analyses of actual conditions; concrete analyses of concrete conditions. We cannot be stubborn and rigid in our thinking as if it all has to come out our way or no way. Connected reality has a way of sticking around despite our grand designs

We must do so much more than endlessly study pathology (the study of diseases and of the changes that they cause: changes in a person, an animal, or a plant that are caused by disease). We cannot get lost pursuing corporate careers or be content in academia while children starve to death, suicide bombers kill the innocents and mercenaries get medals for murder. We must suggest solvent basic solutions to help us cure this sick wicked world. Many of us know the basic problems, we need practical solvent solutions.

Here are a few suggestions I recommend and which I follow-up on in my own personal life. I am a movement of one humane being among many.

~ Work on your own personal health in the trinity of the mind, body and soul as a lifestyle. Health is the greatest wealth.

~ Avoid any obsession about anything that can turn you into a fanatic. Avoid any addiction of any kind. Remember variety and diversity.

~ Get involved in a progressive political party or local group. If you cannot find one start your own as a scientific experiment.

~ Learn how to combine online work with offline work in your local community. Integrate your life in a balanced way.

United together we must continue to further advance, develop and expand our own creative revolutionary consciousness. We need radical revolution in the world, not mere meek liberal reform.

As Comrade George L. Jackson stated in Blood In My Eye: “The ultimate aim of fascism is the complete destruction of all revolutionary consciousness.”
1/5/2014 This Spring: Worldwide Wave Of Transformation via @PopResistance
▶ 2013 Resistance Report Year In Review:
~Pub Dec 30, 2013 via @dennistrainorjr
▶ DECLINE of EMPIRES: The Signs of Decay via Chalmers Johnson  ~Uploaded Jan 22, 2008
▶ Howard Zinn: A People’s History of the United States (1999):
~Pub Jul 17, 2012
READ Online: A People’s History of the United States ~by Howard Zinn

Power to the Truth!
Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California, United States of Amerika


Still Alive, Awake and Aware in #Nazi Amerika
November 15, 2013
By @Peta_de_Aztlan aka +Peter S. Lopez

I have had a few brushes with death in my lifetime. I do not take the actual simple miracle of being alive lightly and take it for granted. In my life, I just do what I can to help raise intercommunal mass consciousness in my own little way with the meager tools I have available and with what little talents the Creator has bestowed upon me. For me it is important to be humble. Humility helps one to advance in one’s spiritual growth. I can learn from the fools as well as the wise ones. As far as I can tell, no one gets out of life alive. I am more concerned with how honestly I live, how nobly, how honorably, than merely how long I live in Earth years.

I am awake here now, though the idea of being awake can be relative. Some  folks refer to those who are not politically educated as they understand it as the ‘sheepie’ or sheep. I find that arrogant because no one automatically becomes politically savvy. It takes going through many meaningful direct life experiences, studying a lot on different subjects and having many creative conversations with others who are trying to make it in the world to awaken. Even then we can easily be lulled back into sleep by our own fears and flaws. To be awake is to see the present moment at a point in time within the context of connected reality.  There are different kinds of wakefulness.

To be awake is to know what is going on in  your life, what is going on in the society and real world that you live in. Some people are more awake than others. Some folks are just pretending to be asleep to what is really going on. Hoping to avoid making any kind of personal commitment to change and ultimately transform the world we live in now.

To be awake is to be aware of what is going on in your life, in your world and to see the Big Picture, not merely occasional snap shots. It cannot all be easily contained in an Instagram! Life is an ongoing cumulative learning process in what I consider to be protracted war. Many have to fight for a meal each day!

Many people mistake their version of the relative truth as a frozen universal truth that is eternal and applicable to all in all situations. Every day we need to look at connected reality with fresh eyes, check out the global news and just be aware of what is happening in our own personal lives. Sometimes we need to question our assumptions, be willing to re-examine our cherished ideas and be open to new revelations. It is good to be alive, awake and aware.

Understand that we are living under a truly Evil Empire orchestrated by the foul forces of a consciously aware authoritarian fascism; sovereign nations no longer exist; there is no genuine democracy in the United States and the bulk of the masses are under a fascist mental hold on their mass consciousness.

For us to truly topple the Evil Empire we must first realize that a few reforms at the top will not and cannot be enough. We must transform property relations between the -1% of the ‘haves’ and the 99+% of the ‘have-nots’ if there is ever to be a relevant revolution in the world. The people must have complete ownership, authority and control of the land and all the viable institutions thereon. No transformation of state power in property relations, no revolution. Despite all the hope and hype, the Arab Spring has not yet resulted in an actual relevant revolution. Revolution must be global in scope and range for us to know its full effects.

Practical realism is at the core of revolutionary consciousness. Even a Global Revolution may not be enough. Because of the real dangers to our global ecology and bio-diversity it may already be too late. Nevertheless, we need to at least try if we are to consider ourselves conscious humane beings. Our children and potential descendents are at least worth a conscious effort to save Mother Earth. We belong to the Earth, the Earth does not belong to us. Man himself is the primary predator and danger to life on Earth.

In a way, the United States is an exceptional country in the sense that the active support of its people is critical for there to be a Global Revolution because of its strategic location on the planet and present global power dynamics. We in the U.S.A. are in the brain of the beast stationed within its critical nerve centers, especially in the Inner Cities. Many of its people have been cushioned by the horrible physical effects of global corporate capitalism, we are more pampered by Empire, though there are large pockets of its people enduring life hand-to-mouth in Third World-like living conditions.

America was once boasted of as the ‘land of the free and home of the brave’. Now it has decayed and degenerated. The people of the United States are not really united. We here are in extremely divided states with different sectors of the population harboring mistrust, suspicion and even hate for other sectors. The American Dream has become the Amerikan Nightmare. The U.S.A. has an obedient, compliant and passive population that simply allows its so-called government, actually a rogue regime, to commit systemic genocide, mindless murder and cause bloody mayhem in many hot spots on the globe, including targeting for repression radical dissidents within its own borders. How many Germans in #Nazi Germany turned a blind eye to the gas chambers used to exterminate millions of Jews? We cannot simply blame Obama, or the Bankers or the Illuminati. We ourselves must take at least some responsibility for our sad state of affairs. Indeed, we are in #Nazi Amerika!

“Repression is here now, and we won’t reach the next level of revolutionary consciousness and activity until we meet it with a counter-terror and demonstrate to the people that we are here and resistance is possible.”
~ George L. Jackson, Blood In My Eye

There are many Liberation Movements in the world at different stages of development that together can be considered an interconnected matrix of organizations, groups and individuals, especially because of the advent of Internet Power. This capacity to communicate across artificial borders has not existed before in our known human history. This has its positives and negatives.

Those of us who are online need to be mindful of others and not divorce ourselves from the daily lives of those who are not online and without regular Internet Access. Once again, do not mistake your partial experience for universal truth. Many of our potential comrades are locked down in the prisons of Amerika’s concentration camps. Many of us suffer from a wide assortment of various mental-spiritual disorders living lives of constant dread and quiet desperation.

From birth, people in the United States have been subjected to decades of negative fascist programming that has damaged the neurons and synaptic connections in our brains. We are not making the necessary connections and interconnections we need for all of us to see that we are all truly one family of humanity, not lone isolated individuals in a world of our own.

We need to learn how to be humane with care, concern and compassion for all who suffer in silence in the misery of poverty. There are many divisions amongst us that can generally be considered as various forms of negativism: sexism, nationalism, racism, tribalism etc. We must understand and overcome these engineered divisions to help bring about a strong solidarity based upon our common needs and dreams for our collective survival and success as an endangered species.

For example, how can there be racism when we are actually all of one human race as human beings? Recall: the whole concept of separate races was a man-made social invention used by invading forces to rationalize their conquest of certain types of ‘foreign’ people. Killing someone we see as being innately inferior and not quite human can be construed as not actually killing a human but rather a lower life-form.

One major fascist #Psych-op is promoting the division between those who we consider as Left-Wing and those we think of as Right-Wing. The general truth of life is in the center, not on any one wing. Don’t fall for fascist mind-traps!

Many of us have not even mastered the power of the word in our lives. Many misunderstandings are caused because we have different definitions for  the same words. We are not even in the same library with the same dictionary, let alone on the same page. We need to have functional definitions for the words and terms we use in a conscious mindful and meaningful way.

For Liberation, we need to have a common general strategy and set of relevant tactics. Tactics are the means to end, not strategic ends in themselves. All tactics must be analyzed before we lightly discard them for one superficial reason or another.

For example, we need to utilize electoral politics in order to help raise consciousness and bring about constructive change, especially in our local communities. The people may not easily understand esoteric economic explanations, but they can understand the civic duty of being registered to vote and voting on Election Day. We need to constantly tap into the people’s present level of consciousness and not mistake it for our own as individuals.

Consciousness is the main battleground and the playing field. Propaganda is transmitting a series of ideas and ideals. Agitation is focusing on a few concepts for stimulating specific action. Many have been indoctrinated to see propaganda only in a negative dark light. We must define our own realities, not mindlessly swallow the definitions of our anti-life historical enemies.

Politics and war are inextricably, intricately and intimately interconnected. Passive liberal pacifists fail to see that there can be a just war fought for our liberty, fail to see that war can take countless forms and that war has many manifold manifestations. Many times the first war is first waged within ourselves, between the lights and the shadows within us. Words can be useful weapons of attack. Words can be tools for transmitting the truth. A weapon can turn into a tool and a tool can become a weapon. Everything is relative, nothing is absolute. Be fluid, not fixed.

We should strive for a peaceful revolution, exhaust all legitimate peaceful methods of struggle, yet not be under any naive illusions or dumbed down in any delusions. Our enemies know we are coming and have made preparations for any domestic disorder or Civil War.

A creative consciousness is the key to unlock the minds of the masses who have been programmed to believe that any resistance against repression is futile and doomed to fail. We can only fail if we do not fight back!

“Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are already dying who could be saved, that generations more will die or live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love in revolution. Pass on the torch. Join us, give up your life for the people!”
~~ El General George L. Jackson ~ Field Marshal Black Panther Party {1942–1971}

Conclusion: Let us come together as one people upon one planet. Break free of the chains that keep you enslaved in so many ways. If you think you are already liberated in your mind, then help liberate the minds of others. It is a truism that none of us are fully liberated until we are all liberated.

Express your true self with the tools at your disposal. Develop your talents, sharpen your skills and manifest your unlimited potentials.

Venceremos! Che Peta
Sacramento, California, #Nazi Amerika
Be In Tune With Your Soul via @Peta_de_Aztlan Posted on 11/11/2013
By @Peta_de_Aztlan
A People’s History of the United States ~By Howard Zinn
Message to the Tricontinental ~By Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara (Havana, 1967)
▶ #9/11 via Mike Ruppert @CollapseNet- The Truth And Lies Of 911 (Full length)  ~Uploaded Jan 3, 2011
10/14/2013  What happened to the indigenous race? by Rodolfo F. Acuña
~via @LatPoliticalAve
▶ Dr. Steven Greer @DrStevenGreer: Earth is under Quarantine  ~Pub Oct 21, 2013
▶ Noam Chomsky on “The 1960s, Black Panthers, COINTELPRO, Watergate” (1997)  ~Pub Nov 12, 2013
11/14/2013 Confirmed: CIA, NSA, IRS collected and shared Americans’ personal information via @RT_America

▶ Hedges: Jeremy Hammond Exposed State’s Plan to Criminalize Democratic Dissent  ~Pub Nov 14, 2013
▶ [277] Ben Swann’s Media Revolution, Journalism Renaissance & Corralling Corrupt Airwaves  via @AbbyMartin

Be In Tune With Your Soul via @Peta_de_Aztlan

Veteran’s Day: November 11, 2013

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

Even suffering has its positives and negatives. We can learn vital lessons in life from our pain, misery and suffering. Sad as it seems, people need to suffer long enough for them to fully wake up, come together in a unified way and overthrow the Evil Empire!

We must fully accept the fact that the mass of humanity does have common enemies called by different terms but hosting Evil Powers. I prefer the general term ‘the Evil Empire’, though that term may seem outlandish to some. The subtle inference here is that the Evil Empire is not exclusively an Amerikan Empire. It is global in its scope, range and influence, not merely nationalistic. It is the great enemy of humanity.

Under Empire there are no separate sovereign nations. They are colonies or neo-colonies of the Empire. Our barrios and ghettos in the U.S.A., including the White ghettos, are actually internal colonies of the Empire.

We are blessed in these times of troubles with Internet power that enables us to cross borders via the Internet and communicate with people on a global scale. We should keep in mind that this is still new to the technology of our inhumane corrupt civilization. We need to bring the global masses online!

The #Internet has great potential to either create good or manufacture evil. We need to consciously use Internet Power to help empower people with basic news, information and liberating consciousness to help them in their lives. We are gradually creating and coagulating a global consciousness with common understandings about life in these times. Millions now have Internet access, though we are far from global access for the masses.

So much in life is influenced by our original motives. What are our true motives when we are communicating with others or expressing ourselves? Are we communicating with honesty and intention? Are we merely feeding an insecure inflated ego seeking to manipulate?

For starters we need to clearly understand the distinct difference between a healthy ego and as selfish egotism. Life has positives and negatives. Many well-meaning folks think of the ego as a kind of selfish self-centered evil that we need to purge out of our personality. Freud narrowly defined the human personality in the three realms of the ego, the id and the superego. Was he not an arrogant cocaine addict? I prefer C.G. Jung. Having an ego is key to our being a unique individiaul, part of being a human animal in the world. We need to develop a healthy ego and use our time, energy and resources to help us empower ourselves.

We have wasted so much precious time over these long centuries being severely addicted to the endless pursuit of more and more money out of our inner insecurity. We should know when to have enough is enough, not be flawed with character defects, especially greed. The addictive love of money is a part of the root of evil, but only a part, not the whole of it. Do not get stuck on any one Scripture! Life is too complex, beautiful and fascinating for us to completely understand it all. So we must be good at studying and remain good students of life upon Mother Earth.

I humbly suggest we not get stuck on any teaching or belief-system named after any mortal individual: Christ, Buddha, Marx etc. The intellect must explore for itself, come to its own independent conclusions and not be enslaved by any ideology or philosophy. Be your own leader, determine your own personal principles and get rid of any overweight Gurus!

You yourself must determine your own path in life. The ideal in life is to live your life as free, liberated and independent as you can; keeping in mind our innate interdependence in the world.

In life, if you seek a path to follow in life it is best to follow a path with heart, one that pulsates with passion and compassion. Why follow a path if your true heart is really not in it? Don’t go strictly by what others believe or what others think. Don’t try to be popular and warp your truth to fit in and go along with the herd. Be your true self. Make up your own mind. Create, develop and nurture your own inner being as a humane being in the trinity of the mind, body and soul. We are beings, not doings.

The psyche can be another term for the soul. We need to be in  tune with our soul and not a slave to our own mind. The mind is often grossly overrated, especially when we depend on it alone without paying attention to our own gut feelings and natural instincts.

There are enough of us in numbers to take over the whole world if we make up our mind, come together and unite as one people of of one planet. We lack the collective mass courage to fight back!

I will continue to do what I can to help raise consciousness with my puny personal resources. We must continue to exhaust all peaceful tactics of resistance to the forces of repression. The philosophy of non-violence hints at its opposite. One major political tactic that is often ignored or overlooked by progressive political forces is involvement in the arena of electoral politics. At this point I am planning to vote for Jill Stein for POTUS again in 2016.

I have tried over the years to build up another progressive political party called the Humane Liberation Party with little support or feedback from others. Nonetheless, it has a basic Survival Platform with Demands and encapsulates my long-term vision for the future.

Remember that despite our best efforts we are an endangered species. This is not fear-mongering. This is being aware of the present dangers to our ecology and bio-diversity. There is much that has already happened and much going on that may escape your present state of consciousness.

So let us be in tune with our soul, know who we are on the inside in the solitude of our being and not be afraid of where the truth about ourselves leads. Know yourself to better understand others with humane love and compassion.

@Peta_de_Aztlan aka +Peter S. López
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